Business Protection Insurance
Safeguard your business and reduce your exposure to risk.
Black Lion - Part of Movo H & L
The Power of Business Protection
Business Protection Insurance helps to safeguard all the hard work you’ve put into building your business. If you run a business, you should ask yourself this question: “Have I done enough?” If the worst happens to a key member of your team, can you be sure that your business is well prepared to cope with the challenges this may bring? It is better to be safe than sorry. If you’re not 100% sure, talk to the business insurance experts at Black Lion Insurance. We aim to be your go-to insurance advisers, offering a wide range of business protection insurance to safeguard all the hard work you’ve put into growing your company. Our business insurance advice can help your business to stay operational and resilient.Your business – Let us help you protect it
At Black Lion Insurance, we understand the challenges of running your own business. It’s hard work! However, the rewards can be substantial and not just from a financial point of view. On the positive side, whatever sector you work in, you know you’re doing the right thing. By and large, your employees turn up every day and you’ve got satisfied clients. That’s quite an achievement in itself. But, will it always be like that? How do you know?Business Protection Insurance. Here’s how we can help you.
We offer advice on all types of business protection insurance. If you’re not sure what you need, give us a call and we’ll be pleased to help.Contact us today
Keen to learn more about our insurance services? We have significant bargaining power on our side and are not tied to any one insurer. Our team will work hard to get you the right option from the policies we research on your behalf. Our qualified advisers can set up the policy for you. If you need to make a claim, just give us a call, and we’ll support you through the claims process.Compare Top UK Insurers
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Key Person Insurance
Also known as keyman insurance, this is an important type of cover worth considering. The sudden loss or critical illness of a high-performing or valuable senior member of staff could affect the profits of your business overnight. Black Lion Insurance can advise on the right policy to help mitigate the risk to your organisation. Read more about our advice services on Key Person Insurance.Shareholder Protection Insurance
Shareholder protection insurance provides money to your business to buy back a deceased or critically ill shareholder’s shares. It enables the remaining shareholders to retain control of the company. In general, this policy could help minimise disruption to your business and protect its continuity. Read about Shareholder Protection Insurance in more detail.About Us
Black Lion Insurance is a dedicated team of insurance consultants with years of experience in guiding our clients to a solution that meets their specific needs. We specialise in helping both employed and self employed individuals, as well as business owners on a variety of solutions, which range from income protection, keyman and shareholder protection insurance.