Self-Employed Software Engineer Arranging Income Protection

Self-Employed Income Protection

Dependable advice for the self-employed.

Black Lion Insurance

UK Self-Employed Income Protection Insurance

Self-employed income protection insurance provides you with a regular monthly income should you be unable to earn through sickness or an accident.

At Black Lion Insurance, we specialise in providing income protection advice, particularly for those who are self-employed, contractors or directors. Our expertise in this area allows us to offer comprehensive guidance tailored to your needs.

Contact us today for more information.

As a consultancy with access to a wide range of insurance products, we are pleased to share our expertise and knowledge with you.

Our goal is to help you protect the most important aspects of your life, such as your home, income, family, and lifestyle. We aim to educate you about the insurance products we recommend so that you can make informed decisions with confidence.

Why you may need self-employment protection

If you’re self-employed, you are aware of the benefits it can bring. However, it is essential to consider your personal insurance options carefully. Along with the advantages, there can be significant challenges.

As a self-employed individual, you do not receive sick pay, holiday pay, or health insurance – the list of benefits you miss out on is substantial.

What would happen if you were injured in a car accident or faced a sudden, critical illness? Without the safety net of an employment package, such situations can be financially devastating.

In the short-term do you have enough money put away to cover your mortgage, bills and all those other important financial commitments if you were unable to work for a few months?

What if you were unable to work for an extended period of time? Perhaps several years?

How can we help you?

We work with major UK providers and will research policies that meet your needs and recommend the most suitable options.

Call our team today!

IT consultant at brick desk - Choosing the right income protection policy for your occupation
Policy Comparison

Accident & Sickness vs Income Protection

Answering 'What's the difference between Accident & Sickness Insurance and Income Protection?', this article looks at the key differences, compares example quotes and considers the potential suitability of both policy types for two self-employed professionals with very different occupations and personal requirements.

Income and Medical Bills on balancing scales
Policy Comparison

Income Protection vs Private Medical Insurance

An in-depth comparison between Income Protection and Private Medical Insurance, this article looks at how each policy type can help when common medical issues arise.

Income Protection FAQs

From our most commonly asked question "Do I need income protection insurance?" to information on what affects the cost of your policy.

About Us

Black Lion Insurance specialise provide information for both employed and self employed individuals, as well as business owners on a variety of solutions, which range from income protection, keyman and shareholder protection insurance.