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Aviva Life Insurance

Policy Review & Quotes

Black Lion Insurance

Aviva Life Insurance – Introduction


Aviva is one of the longest established insurance companies in the UK. The company’s roots can be traced back to the late 17th century although more recently the company was formed through the merger of CGU plc and Norwich Union, taking the name Aviva in 2002.

Now the largest UK insurance company and a member of the FTSE 100 index with £376 billion of assets under managements and over 19 million customers (December 2023).


Contact Details

Website: www.aviva.co.uk
Income Protection Claims Line: 0800 015 1142
Online Claims: www.aviva.co.uk
Address: St Helen’s, 1 Undershaft, London EC3P 3DQ
FCA Register: https://register.fca.org.uk

Aviva Customer Reviews

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Aviva’s UK arm use Trustpilot to collect reviews for all their divisions so these reviews include customers with car, home and health insurance as well as life and income protection. To date they have over 36,500 reviews of which 72% have provided a 5 star rating. Read Aviva’s Trustpilot Reviews

Aviva 2024 Life Insurance Claims

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According to Aviva’s 2024 Life Insurance Claims Report the insurer paid out on 99.3% of all life insurance and terminal illness claims in 2023. A total of £761.7 million was paid out across 40,436 claims of which over 67% were attributed to either cancer or cardiovascular.

Reasons for claims

Industry Awards

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Aviva UK has 5* Defaqto ratings for both its Life Insurance + policies (Level & Decreasing). In July 2024 Aviva won both “General Insurer of the Year” and “General Insurer of the Decade” at the British Insurance Awards.

Aviva Life Insurance +

Aviva offers a very flexible range of life insurance products, including a comprehensive selection of additional and optional benefits.

  • Aviva Life Insurance includes terminal illness cover in all its life insurance policies.
  • Standard critical illness cover will cover 37 full pay out critical illnesses, 2 partial payment additional critical illnesses, and 6 surgical treatments. For the full pay out cover, this is less than other insurers. Therefore, you may wish to consider adding the “additional” option – see next point.
  • In addition to critical illness cover, Aviva offers insurance for “additional” critical illnesses which entitle you to a part pay out of either £25,000 or 25% of your main benefit. There are 2 conditions: less advanced breast cancer and less advanced prostate cancer.
  • With Aviva Life Insurance, couples taking out joint life policies may choose different levels of cover. Once taken out, you will also be able to change your joint life policy, should you divorce, transfer your mortgage or move into a new home. There are certain conditions attached to this, so we’d recommend you speak to the experts at Black Lion Insurance for more information.
  • Aviva offers Extra Care Cover as an option. This will pay out an additional £50,000 in addition to your main benefit if you develop a serious, life-changing illness. For example, dementia, Parkinsons, severe heart failure etc. You will need to be permanently and completely incapacitated to claim this benefit.
  • In certain situations, Aviva may offer you reviewable premiums rather than guaranteed. Therefore, you may not always know how much your policy will cost a few years into its lifespan.

Overview of Key Policy Details – Aviva Life Insurance

Policy Type Life Insurance
Options Level Term, Decreasing Term, Increasing Term, Whole of Life, Family Income Benefit
Policy Coverage Single Cover, Joint Life, First Event
Underwriting Full medical underwriting. You’ll know where you stand right at the start.
Premium Type Guaranteed/Reviewable
Terminal Illness Cover Yes
Critical Illness Cover Yes. Optional
Number of Critical Illnesses Covered 37 (plus 2 conditions covered by “additional critical illness benefit” as standard.

With Upgraded Critical Illness Cover 13 more full-payment critical illnesses can be added, with Upgraded Additional Critical Illness Cover adding 36 more.

Children’s Critical Illness Cover Yes, up until 18 years (or 21 if in full time education)
Indexation Optional
Waiver of premium Optional
Maximum Cover Unlimited
Minimum Entry Age 18 years
Maximum Entry Age Standard Life Insurance – 89 years

LI & CI – 64 years

Waiver of Premium – 64 years

Indexation – 85 years

Guaranteed Insurability Increase in your mortgage

Career change or increase in salary

Entering into or terminating civil partnership or marriage

Birth or adoption of a child

Policy Exclusions Self-inflicted injury, suicide within 12 months of the start of the policy.

Additional Benefits and Services from Aviva

  • Additional Critical Illness Cover. The benefit paid out will NOT be taken away from your main benefit.
  • Extra Care Cover. An additional £50,000 will be paid out if you are diagnosed with a permanent illness that has life-changing effects.
  • Fracture Cover. You will receive extra cover if you experience a fracture, tendon rupture, ligament tear or dislocation. However, this must be identified on your policy.
  • Accelerated Surgery Benefit. Aviva will pay out if you are placed on an NHS waiting list for any surgical treatment outlined in your policy. This is included in your Aviva Life and Critical Illness Cover.
  • Hospital Benefit. This insurer will pay for each night of your stay in hospital (after 7 nights) if your child is in hospital for more than 7 consecutive nights, up to a total of 30 nights.
  • Upgraded Children’s Benefit. An additional 8 conditions will be added to your child’s critical illness cover for an increased premium. You will be eligible for cover up to £50,000 for 12 conditions covered under extra care cover and advanced illness.
  • Children’s Death Benefit. A pay out of £5,000 will be made to you if your child dies before the age of 18. This is designed to cover funeral costs or bereavement counselling.

About Us

Black Lion Insurance specialise provide information for both employed and self employed individuals, as well as business owners on a variety of solutions, which range from income protection, keyman and shareholder protection insurance.